

Youth Firearm Violence


This memo examines youth firearm-related deaths and offenses data in Harris County using and finds that: 1) Firearm-related deaths increased nationally and in Harris County for almost all youth across all age cohorts and sexes in recent years; 2) Firearm-related offenses among youth in Harris County increased an overall 37.3% (from 794 offenses in 2016 to 1,090 offenses in 2021); and 3) Non-firearm-related offenses decreased an overall 52.2% (from 8,675 in 2016 to 4,150 in 2021). This memo also provides brief reviews of literature on risk factors (family, social, and community) associated with youths and potential intervention programs (family-based treatment, deterrence, public health) to address youth firearm violence. To address youth firearm violence in Harris County, the Analyst’s Office provides a few policy considerations. 

  • criminal justice

Top Arresting Agencies for Violent Incidents, FY2018 through FY2022


This memo reports the total arrests for violent crimes made by the five arresting agencies in Harris County with the most arrests for the period of FY2018 through FY2022. In FY2022, the City of Houston Police Department reports over 70 percent more violent crime case filings than the next agency with the highest number of case filings that year, the Harris County Sheriff’s Office (9,376 violent crime case filings and 5,439 violent crime case filings, respectively).

  • criminal justice

Case Filings for Violent Crimes by Select Law Enforcement Offices, FY2009 through FY2022 (Revised)


This memo summarizes violent crime case filings by Harris County law enforcement agency (Harris County Sheriff’s Office and all Harris County constables) and by offense type, from March 2008 through February 2022. For the period reviewed, felony violent crime case filings from HCSO represent 59.3% of all violent crime case filings for the HCSO from FY2009 through FY2022 in Harris County, and felony violent crime case filings from all constable offices represents 49.3% of all violent crime case filings for the constables.

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Impacts of the Issuance and Use of Fraudulent Temporary Tags


This memo includes assessments of the impacts of fraudulent temporary tags to both Harris County revenue and crime within Harris County, as well as a review of measures other jurisdictions are taking to address the use of fraudulent temporary tags in their communities. From FY2016 to FY2021, the issuance and use of fraudulent temporary tags may account for more than $80 million in cumulative potential lost revenue to Harris County.

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Jury Management Operations


This memo assesses the implementation of three strategies for improving jury management in Harris County: implementation of an electronic jury management system; use of postcard summons instead of paper summons; and, establishment of an outreach program highlighting jury service.

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Juror Pay


This memo identifies strategies that helped increase juror appearance rates, reviews the impact of pay increases in other jurisdictions, and examines whether an increase in pay in other jurisdictions resulted in greater turnout and/or greater diversity of juror participation.

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Homicide-Related Deaths by Location, 2015-2020


This memo includes data on homicide-related deaths in Harris County by location for five years, from 2015 through 2020. This memo was produced in collaboration with the Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences and the County Justice Administration Department and is a follow-up to the previously published memo on homicide charges and homicide-related deaths.

  • Criminal Justice

Annual Rates for Homicide Charges and Homicide-Related Deaths


This memo includes the rate of homicide deaths in Harris County, produced in collaboration with the Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences, as well as reported rates of homicide charges in Harris County, produced in collaboration with the Harris County Justice Administration Department, for the five-year period between 2015 and 2020.

  • criminal justice

Total Annual Deaths in Harris County and the City of Houston


This analysis reports total annual deaths in the City of Houston and Harris County from January 2015 through October 2020 by age, race, and ethnicity.  The City of Houston and Harris County reported a greater number (29%) of overall deaths between April 2020 – July 2020 (11,731) than the same months in 2019 (9,088). Note: This memo does not include reference to cause of death, and the memo does not include any conclusions from the data. Age, race, and ethnicity data are only available for the City of Houston due to data limitations.

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Law Enforcement and First Responder Response to Mental Health and Substance Abuse Calls for Service


The Commissioners Court requested the Analyst's Office, in partnership with the Justice Administration Department, analyze the feasibility and cost of creating a new county-level program to route 9-1-1 calls for mental health and substance abuse to a non-law enforcement crisis response team. This abridged version of the study includes a background of the existing 9-1-1 responses, agencies, and programs involved with substance abuse and mental health response in Harris County. The final report, led by the Justice Administration Department, is forthcoming.

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